Great Occupy Toronto images

Great Occupy Toronto images

Some cool Occupy Toronto images: Billions Image by PicaDay-Scott Occupy Toronto at Saint James Park. From a series on Interview Image by PicaDay-Scott Occupy Toronto at Saint James Park. From a series on Where is Your Daughter Image by PicaDay-Scott Occupy Toronto at Saint James Park. From a series on

1 Year Reunion Video

Filmed and Edited by Mike Roy Recorded in Toronto, Ontario Canada (Oct 15th 2012) The Indignants (Media group) In my opinion Occupy was a success the first day, it brought people together to talk, it provided the tools such as horizontal democracy. It built a broader social network and introduced activist to groups like Food not Bombs and other local affinity groups, which helped replenish the damage done in the wake of the G20. Occupy is what it is, just first the piece of a larger social movement against austerity, and people need to understand that more pieces are to come before we win. About 40-60 people showed up early afternoon at Saint James Park to celebrate the 1 year reunion of Occupy Toronto. No actions were planned and the day consisted of art, music, reminiscing, and reflection. Unfortunately we could not stay for the evening festivity’s, which consisted of a fantastic reenactment play about Occupy Toronto....


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