Rob Ford has lied

about his role in a cellphone video that has been observed by 3 journalists and now the police. An investigation took place that produced several hundred of pages about one suspect…  ...

Toronto lobbyists registry reaches

record higher below Rob Ford who has open the doors to business interests. The registrar had numerous industries get in on the lobbying most lately the Casino lobby which was in the end rejected in Down Town and Woodbine. &nbsp...

Toronto Spending budget Chief Resigns

High-quality news! Rob Ford&#8217s hand picked budget chair has resigned following his ultimatum if the other councillors were to add to Del Grande&#8217s proposed 2013 spending budget. The Spending budget committee added $ 1.three million. The Executive committee added $ 7. million and to top it all off the Council added $ 12. million&#8230 range-chief-mike-del-grande-resigns &nbsp...

All out for a three day outdoor occupation of City Hall during the city budget meetings!

Tuesday the 17th, Wednesday the 18th, and Thursday the 19th of January 2012! Bring your tent, stay the night! Show Rob Ford and his corporate backers that our city isn’t theirs to dismantle! On the 17th of January, Rob Ford and his cronies are going to try to pass a budget full of service cuts, attacks on workers and ordinary people as part of his austerity agenda. Ford – a millionaire business owner himself – doesn’t care about ordinary people (neither 905 OR downtown,) he only cares about filling the pockets of his corporate buddies. Like other politicians around the world, he’s cutting services, firing workers, downloading costs to other people and telling people to “tighten their belts” while banks and corporations make record profits! Occupy Toronto is drawing a line in the sand and saying no more! We are supporting Stop The Cuts and their 5:30 rally at City Hall, and we are sticking around for 3 days after to keep saying No More! Join us! Occupy the Budget! Occupy City Hall! – For more info on Ford’s cuts, and on the Rally at City Hall at 5:30 on the 17th, check – Even if you can’t stay overnight or have to work, your support during the day would be highly appreciated! Bring blankets and tents. Bring baked potatoes and hot chocolate. Bring a hot meal to the kitchen. Hang around for an hour or two serving food or helping with logistics. It all helps!...


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