Rally Together Against Police Brutality

Yesterday court hearings were heard for the Occupiers who were arrested during the eviction from Osgoode Hall. One occupier was brought into the court and was black and blue, face swollen and stitches above her brow. Two of them were taken to the hospital after the arrests and another stated in court that they had been injured during the arrest. The violence against all of these occupiers was completely unnecessary and shameful. We cannot accept this violence against our brothers and sisters. Two of the arrested were released on bail and banned from associating with each other along with other conditions including not coming with 25 meters of Osgoode Hall. The others arrested are still being held. A huge thank you to the lawyers who helped Occupiers through the hearing. They did an incredible job and we cannot thank you enough for your hard work! Yesterday Occupiers blockaded the streets in front of 52 division. Today Occupiers will continue to blockade 52 division and demand 1. Unconditional Release of three Occupiers still being held in Toronto Jails. (Now 5) 2. All charges dropped against all those arrested on Friday. 3. A Public Inquiry into Toronto Police Violence on Friday. 4. The officers involved must be tried in civilian court. Ways you can help: 1. Come on down and join the blockade! 2. Bring food and warm blankets, toques, gloves, drinks, & chairs, couches, tents, furniture, etc. 3. Spread the word to your friends and via social media. 4. Be creative! Police violence in Toronto has to end now! https://www.facebook.com/events/358181370894441/#!/events/358181370894441/ Twitter accounts to follow: @Krystalline_k @occupybaystreet @q_e_d @OccupyToronto @OccupyTO @OccupyTOMedia UPDATE 1: What to Bring This not a residential area, so bring 1. noisemakers 2. musical instruments 3. bicycle horns 4. pot lids 5. anything else that will make a ton of noiseSee More * Write PostWrite Post * Add Photo / VideoAdd Photo / Video * Ask QuestionAsk Question https://www.facebook.com/events/358181370894441/#!/events/358181370894441/  ...


Occupy Toronto – Metro Police Brutality @ Osgoode Hall – Friday March 30, 2012 (2-4pm) @OccupyToronto #OccTO #D168 (Day 168) – Today between 2pm-4pm Occupy Toronto was brutally evicted from our the 4-day camp at Osgoode Hall (Provincial Court bldgs). Four occupiers were arrested, with two of them needing to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. Those arrested are: Angela, Alice, Craig, & John Erb. Such unnecessary action by TPS against peaceful & non-violent Occupy Toronto ppl. If you can come to the GA tonight at 7pm in solidarity with those abused and arrested please come to Osgoode Hall....


Currently there is a camp set up behind Osgoode Hall. There are MANY donations that would be greatly appreciated by the occupiers. Please see the list below and feel free to drop off the items at the camp at any time! WISH LIST: Water Tarps Blankets Tents Poles ropes/twines books Gloves Wheeled cart/Trolly Building Material Hammer & nails Recycled Bicycle Parts Cardboard Food Skids We are also looking for someone near by who has a dryer available to dry their clothing....


Occupy Toronto welcomes non-charitable financial donations to assist with hosting and development costs for the website. To donate for all other costs including committee management, please use the contact us for here. No one working with Occupy Toronto is paid.

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