Conservative Job Grant Scheme

appears to claw back existing funding to the Provinces who are closer to the folks they serve. The &#822015,000.00&#8243 is exactly where $ five,000.00 comes from the Feds which then has to be matched evenly by the Province AND Private sector all the whilst Jason Kenney who previously got much more migrant workers in now beholden to the Oil Capitalists to find much more workers and now get them the abilities&#8230 &nbsp...

Alberta Floods

I was watching Question Period these days as Jason Kenney claimed that the &#8220scientist&#8221 he spoke to didn&#8217t believe climate alter had to do with the flood. Hello! The Conservatives have been mussling scientists since their idealogy don&#8217t want to believe Man has a part in growing GHGs and climate change. Unfortunately, Calgary is wholey represented by conservatives/correct wingers at all levels of government. The federal Conservatives are postponing their Convention and the flood harm will go into subsequent week and generate difficulties for the &#8220Calgary Stampede&#8221 &nbsp...


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