Nice photos

Nice photos

Check out these images: Occupy Toronto Responds To Mayor Ford – Wordsmithing In The Yurt Image by Metrix X Occupy Toronto General Assembly Responds To Mayor Ford FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sorry for the Inconvenience, We’re Trying to Change the World Rob Ford has announced that we’ve made our point and it is time for us to go. In response, we at Occupy Toronto would like to affirm our right and duty to peaceably assemble and express our concerns. In contrast to Ford’s statement, we have not made our point because we are not here simply to make a point. We are here to bring about change. We are occupying St. James Park to practice direct democracy, discuss solutions to local, national, and global problems, dialogue with various community groups, and to address various issues in our communities. Whereas libraries are in jeopardy of being closed, we have opened a free library. Whereas the poor and homeless are being attacked, we have set up a free kitchen and free store for anyone to visit. Whereas social services and public sector workers are being cut, we are supporting labour struggles and the rights of individuals to have access to basic services. In short, we are trying to address the inadequacies of the system in which we live and advocate for a better, more equitable society. The wider public supports our efforts, as evidenced by recent polls and the high level of support and donations in the park. We look forward to continuing to work with the community, and we welcome dialogue with all interested parties, including city councilors and the mayor. To find out more please visit: Occupy Toronto General Assembly Contact: [email protected]...

Occupy Toronto Day 20

Occupy Toronto Day 20

Check out these images: Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Now With House Plants Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. This Sign is Occupied! Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize....

Great images

Great images

Some cool images: Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize....

More  Occupy Toronto photos

More Occupy Toronto photos

Some cool Occupy Toronto images: Dee Occupy Toronto Image by LexnGer After yesterday’s ruling that the "eviction" stands, and a park full of people as we drove by last night on our way back into town, the Occupy Toronto village is still solidly entrenched in St. James Park. Some tents have been removed. The Yurts are being taken down and the kitchen has been removed to protect valuables. The city has provided trucks to help people move their gear. But the park still has residents in it. The media still surrounds the park. The signs have taken a much more militant spin. The Library is no longer Open and is now barricaded. Other structures have barricades around them too. I would love to see this end peacefully. Please. Everyone. Peacefully! An Occupy Toronto protestor speaks out against poverty Image by Jason Hargrove Occupy Toronto is a peaceful protest that began on October 15, 2011 in Toronto, Ontario, near Bay Street in the Financial District of the downtown core. It is related to the ongoing Occupy Wall Street movement that began in New York City on September 17, 2011. + Photography by Jason Hargrove Occupy Toronto March Image by Nicolai Grut Occupy Toronto Supporters on Yonge Street November 19 2011...

Cool Occupy Toronto images

Cool Occupy Toronto images

Some cool Occupy Toronto images: Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize....

A few nice images I found: Image by LexnGer Photos from Monday Oct 17th The Cloud Gardens GA meets every Monday @ 7:00pm Image by loretta.lime More about Occupy Toronto: Occupy Toronto Facebook: More about Cloud Gardens: Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize....

Check out some Occupy Toronto images

Check out some Occupy Toronto images

A few nice Occupy Toronto images I found: Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize....

Occupy Toronto user pics

Occupy Toronto user pics

A few nice Occupy Toronto images I found: Occupy Toronto! Image by ruffin_ready @ Occupy Toronto, St. James Park Occupy Toronto Protests Against Police Violence Image by Metrix X They’re back… Occupy Toronto returns – Toronto Sun Occupy Toronto Protests Against Police Violence Image by Metrix X They’re back… Occupy Toronto returns – Toronto Sun...

Great Occupy Toronto images

Great Occupy Toronto images

Some cool Occupy Toronto images: Occupy Toronto: “Tunes Against Austerity” March (November 5, 2011) Image by Jackman Chiu… Rachel Talking to CBC about Small Business & Occupy Toronto Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days. Occupy Toronto Image by jess-sanson Occupy Toronto, pre-Bay St march Image by Lazarius...

Occupy Toronto 1 year later Party at St James Park

We lived in St. James Park for 40 days, built a community, part of a global community, and we were transformed. We saw the impact of austerity, as poor people gathered in the park to share food and stories of strife. Workers talked about how wage cuts, loss of benefits, and unemployment were impacting their lives. Indigenous peoples shared a sacred fire and openly spoke about the scars of residential schools, the loss and destruction of their land and the impact on communities throughout the country. Immigrant peoples detailed how precarious their status is and how Harper’s policies keep families separated and workers grossly underpaid. Through all these conversations, we talked about how the current political and economic system marginalizes and exploits people and keeps us separated. In the park, we found each other and began to build a movement for change. On the 15th, our one year anniversary, we will celebrate our struggle, growth, and accomplishments as a community. We hope you will join us for this celebration! Schedule: 1pm: SE corner of King and Bay – Musical march to call out corruption and celebrate compassion 3pm: St. James Park – Garlic planting jam to ward off vampires sucking the life out of the city 4pm: St. James Park – Free’scool workshop, practicing democracy 5pm: St. James Park – Open Mic at the gazebo 6pm: St. James Park – Common Thread community choir 7pm: St. James Park – Docket Theatre presents Performing Occupy 8:30pm: St. James Park – Hip hop, spoken word & the indie band Leading Armies 11:00pm: We march outta the park and into the future of the movement See you there!

This is not an Occupy eulogy

This is not an Occupy eulogy By Krystalline Kraus This is not a one year Occupy anniversary piece. This is not a reflective obituary of a short-lived movement as if I were writing about a young life tragically cut short. This is not a eulogy. Nor is this some cliché French statement: “Occupy is dead! Long live Occupy!” It’s complicated… I know it’s a struggle for some people to give up the idea that Occupy would always be around at St. James Park, the Vancouver Art Gallery or Zucotti Park. I know some people believed that when Occupy began, that spirit would stay trapped in time, trapped in that park or in that city, forever; as if we humans could control a movement by sheer will and our fear of nostalgic guilt. Full article:

The Class Question

was raised 8 months ago when citizens marched on to the Financial District and assembled in St. James Park to Occupy Toronto. Discuss…...

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