G8 summit-Camp David, Maryland, U$ – May 18-19

Where the leaders of some of the top economies will talk but not necessarily take action! The NATO summit is to follow in Chicago. Originally the G6; Canada was added to make it G7 & Russia to make it G8. This year Vladimir Putin chose not to attend. While Mario Monti remains an unelected leader from Italy as Francois Hollande of France makes his debut! When Harper first came to power in 2006, Canada had the 8th largest real economy. Under minority Conservative governments & Finance Minister Flaherty; Canada has fallen to 11th place having been surpassed by Brazil, Russia & India while the People’s Republic of China recently became the 2nd largest economy  in the World though is not part of the G8. (see BRICs)...

Socialist leader defeats Conservative

Socialist leader defeats Conservative in France while Greece votes for anti austerity candidates as the EU looks at a double dip recession?! http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/1173954–france-election-francois-hollande-defeats-nicolas-sarkozy-to-become-president...


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