Icestorm Day 10

As we approach a new calendar year. Yesterday Rob said “for sure” all residents would have their lights on by days end. There are still a couple hundred that don’t! Plus he told reporters the City’s response was “pretty close to perfect”…  ...

Ontario is not getting it’s fair share

of Health Care funding even though it is the most populated Province and in fact transfers some $ 11 billion to the rest of the country. Whereas Alberta a “have Province” is getting $ 1 billion more?! Coincidentally 27 of the 28 MPs hail from the Cons in Alberta which is running the country…  ...

Conservative James Moore

illustrates the mean spiritedness of cons when it comes to meeting the services that Government provides to the citizenry! After 20 minutes of outrage by social media he apologized dispite children going hungry under the Conservative policies at this holiday time…  ...

Comer lawsuit against Bank of Canada

On Tuesday, December 10, 2013, the Committee On Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER) Appeal on the Motion to Strike will be heard at the Federal Court, 180 Queen Street West, 4th Floor. The Hearing will start at 9:30 am and continue throughout the day....

Ford’s proposed budget

under former math teacher; Frank DiGiorgio comes in at $ 9.6 Billion with a 2.5% property tax increase. Ford had promised 1.75% and a 10% reduction in the Land Transfer Tax. That was possible until Ford started boasting and his brother Doug started trash talking that the Province cut $ 50 million in grants! Also with the 0.5% portion for Ford’s Scarborough Subway PLAN pushes the City closer to the 15% debt ceiling. Ford appointed the Budget Committee which includes his brother as Vice Chair. Life in Toronto was better under Miller because his 3% property tax increase paid for staff & services while measuring for inflation and population growth.  ...

Rob Ford has lied

about his role in a cellphone video that has been observed by 3 journalists and now the police. An investigation took place that produced several hundred of pages about one suspect…  ...

Harper & Duffy

have conflicting points in the Senate Scandal! Harper has trouble answering simple questions. Strange that Duffy who was on medical leave was able to make it to work. Wallin & Brazeau are also up to be suspended without pay and benefits…  ...

Line 9 Protest on Oct. 19

Oct 19, 2013 – No Line 9! When: Saturday, October 19th — 12noon Where: Toronto Metro Convention Centre (255 Front Street West) Enbridge is trying to pipe tar sands bitumen through Southern Ontario and Quebec, threatening the health and safety of our communities and waterways, and allowing for the expansion of the most destructive project on the planet, the tar sands. Enbridge’s Line 9 is a 38-year old pipeline that is almost identical in build and age to the Line 6 pipeline that ruptured in the Kalamazoo River in Michigan. In total, Line 9 passes within 50 km of an estimated 9.1 million people, including 18 First Nation communities, and directly through 99 towns and cities. But instead of opposing or even carefully considering Enbridge’s proposal to send tar sands through aging infrastructure, the project is being pushed through without as much as an environmental assessment. In fact, the National Energy Board (NEB) is doing everything it can to shut out voices from the public in the approval process, while First Nations communities say that they have not been consulted. From October 16 to 19, the National Energy Board will hold hearings in Toronto, but only pre-approved intervenors are allowed to speak. When our voices are muted by government, the streets become our megaphone. Indigenous communities, environmentalists and labour groups have united to oppose the tar sands pipelines going west and south, and we need a similarly impressive display of mass opposition to any such proposal to transport tar sands east. Stopping the Line 9 Pipeline Reversal and moving toward a clean energy economy with green jobs would be a multiple “win” – a win for communities, jobs, farms, the environment, public health, and for our long-term energy security. Join us October 19th outside the NEB hearings as we say “No Line 9! No Tar Sands Pipelines!”. For more information, please see this 13 min. video            (Preview) Play             (Show link)     Line 9: The Tar Sands Come to Ontario                 Rachel Deutsch     Line 9 was built in 1975 to transport imported oil from Montreal to refineries in Sarnia. Enbridge has now applied to Canada’s National Energy Board to reverse its direction of flow so that it can transport oil from Sarnia to Montreal. Enbridge admits that among the possible uses of Line 9 is transporting “heavy oil” a category that includes bitumen, the hazardous raw material extracted from tar sands. The pipeline passes through cities, watersheds, rivers, and farmland. 9.1 million people live within 50 km of line 9, including 18 first nations communities and 115 communities in total. (Sarnia, Hamilton, North York, Kingston, etc.) Enbridge has a very poor record of environmental impact. Between 1999 and 2008, Enbridge lists 610 spills that released approximately 21 million litres of hydrocarbons into the surrounding area. But Enbridge is most well-known for their 3.8 million litre spill in Kalamazoo Michigan in 2010, amounting to the largest inland oil spill in US history. Because the spill involved the very hard to clean tar sands bitumen rather than conventional crude oil, the clean-up is still on-going. Meanwhile to this day, residents are still sick from the aftermath of the spill, and tragically many have died since. Most troubling for Ontario residents is that the pipeline that ruptured in Kalamazoo is almost identical to Line 9: it is part of the same pipeline network, uses the same interior lining, and is almost the same age. With so much at risk, we need to work together to stop Enbridge Line 9. The big picture is spills, contamination, and expanding the tar sands. The even bigger picture is climate change. If it is not halted, climate change will and is resulting in increased frequency and severity of storms, floods, drought, and water shortage, as well as the spread of disease, increased hunger, displacement and mass migrations of people and ensuing social conflict and war. For more information and to get involved: Facebook: Aamjiwnaang and Sarnia Against Pipelines (ASAP) (focus on B.C.) Video by Rachel Deutsch Music by Ozere ( Narration by Darren Schilling Script development: Sakura Saunders Research: Sakura Saunders, Dave Vasey, Toban Black, Rachel Deutsch, and Alexander Knight Footage of Kalamazoo coverup: John Bolenbaugh. For more of his footage: Sources: Polaris Institute, Indigenous Environmental Network, The Media Co-op, The People Versus Line 9 | Facebook event...

Peter Shurman removed as Finance Critic

for not returning his housing allowance which is close to the limit! As critic was looking out for the taxpayer except in his own situation played the rules to get taxpayer funding despite his great salary. He was also critical of Occupy Toronto! As the Fall sitting of the Province continues they will be creating a new financial watch dog position. Whereas the Federal Conservatives have delayed sitting till late October and has made a librarian the new Federal financial watch dog replacing Kevin Page.  ...

Economics Workshops

Our Economics Workshops are back after the summer hiatus. When: Tuesday, Sep, 3rd 6:30 – 8:30. Where: Steel Workers Hall, 25 Cecil St., Toronto. Topic: Stop trade agreements that put profits over people and environment. Harper’s trade policies – undebatted not only by the public but also by parliament – are selling Canada’s sovereign interests to corporate interests, including the highly troubling sell-out of control over our resources to Chinese state corporations that the FIPPA with China will entail. As usual, Harper’s government is steered by the hands of a group of former Reform ideologues with only amateurish understanding of the topics they are able to unaccountably deal with under the power screen of the conservative majority. And, as someone who spent 6 years working in China, I find the naivety with which they have approached the FIPPA with China breathtaking. For others who agree with my assessment, see the link below. Our workshop will discuss both the facts of the matter as well as what strategies we should follow. We, in COMER and Occupy Economics, must link with other Canadian groups opposing this undemocratic sell-out and work to bring this to the Canadian people, who is sure to reject signing these treaties if they were aware of what is going on. Links to the view on FIPPA by Gus Van Harten, a leading Canadian expert on international trade law. His credentials is that he is an associate professor at Osgoode Hall Law School and author of Investment Treaty Arbitration and Public Law (Oxford University Press, 2007): When: Tuesday, Sep, 10rd 6:30 – 8:30. Where: Steel Workers Hall, 25 Cecil St., Toronto. Topic: Stop the spread of Harper’s economic fallacies. As I have predicted for some time, Harper is betting the next election on the economy. This was confirmed by a speech to conservative supporters during his recent ‘Northern Tour’ where he in his usual shrill voice claimed it would be ‘dangerous’ if the opposition parties were to get control of Canada’s economic policies. This from a man whose economic policies are setting Canada on a course to become a second-tier nation increasingly dependent upon export of dirty carbon resources, and a nation in which growing income inequalities translate into stagnant living standards for everyone outside the 1%. However, the conservative spin machine, whose funding Harper with his now well-established disregard for the democratic rules and existing laws supplements with ample public money by parading conservative propaganda as ‘public information’, will continue on full blast, attempting to cement the misconceptions that Canada ‘did better than her peer nations during the crisis’ and ‘without the conservative austerity reining in deficits (in reality mostly created by their own tax cuts), we would become the next Greece’. In Occupy Economics, we have the knowledge tools to expose these fallacies. Our contribution to prevent reelection of Harper’s conservative at the next election must be to develop this into an effective counter-narrative that expose the real conditions of the economy. This, and spreading the counter-narrative through effective information campaigns, must be the focus of our work this fall. As usual, the workshops are free...

James Forcillo has been charged

with 2nd degree murder of Sammy Yatim. The approach was sped up probably due to the video and public protests! There is the SIU and Ombudsman investigation as well as Chief Blair&#8217s &#8220Independent&#8221 one by Justice O&#8217connor. The earlier pattern is that Police get off the charges although in this case there is video of Forcillo not attempting to deescalate the situation as is education and clearly firing 9 shots&#8230 &nbsp...

Toronto lobbyists registry reaches

record higher below Rob Ford who has open the doors to business interests. The registrar had numerous industries get in on the lobbying most lately the Casino lobby which was in the end rejected in Down Town and Woodbine. &nbsp...

Rob Ford’s pal/current employees member David Price

calls into the Ford Show to praise his boss and correct wing policies even though denigrating anybody who opposes him! I listen each and every now and then to Newstalk/&#8221Opiniontalk&#8221 1010 on Sundays and I am often amused at the nature &amp personalities that contact. It is seems to be a set up&#8230and/or screened&#8230 &nbsp...

Moody’s down grades 6 Canadian banks

I know it was the rating agency that gave the OK to businesses that in reality gave fraudulent details in the 2008 economic meltdown. These particular banks have taken more risk under the policies of the Federal Conservatives and the Bank of Canada which has kept interest low and consumer debt at record levels&#8230 Here is the original concern &nbsp...

Robin Hood Tax wins support

Euro Parliament okays 11 nations&#8217 plans to tax monetary transactions. Brussels (13 Dec. 2012) &#8211 The European Parliament has voted overwhelmingly in favour of a Monetary Transactions Tax (FTT and normally referred to as a Robin Hood Tax). Study extra: &nbsp...

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