Andrew Bacevich on Taking Action in Syria

Given what we know about what’s going on in Syria, is a U.S. response justified? And if we take action, where and when does it stop? In this segment with guest host Phil Donahue, historian and analyst strong Andrew Bacevich is asking those questions....

Toronto Police Officer found guilty of assault

of Adam Nobody; a protester at the Toronto G20 from 2010. It was a suprise given that many officers had trouble recognizing their co workers while committing offences.  ...

The 1%

is outlined in the media as being predominantly men with wives at home. They tend to live in the larger cities and makes several times than the average person.  ...

Peter Shurman removed as Finance Critic

for not returning his housing allowance which is close to the limit! As critic was looking out for the taxpayer except in his own situation played the rules to get taxpayer funding despite his great salary. He was also critical of Occupy Toronto! As the Fall sitting of the Province continues they will be creating a new financial watch dog position. Whereas the Federal Conservatives have delayed sitting till late October and has made a librarian the new Federal financial watch dog replacing Kevin Page.  ...

2013 (1st) International Livestream Congress

Livestream will be the most-definitive medium of the 21st century, just as film was the most-definitive medium of the 20th century. Time has come for all livestreamers of the world to unite because we are the new media!!! .:. We are putting a call out for delegates to the first-ever International Livestream Congress (ILC) which will be ONLINE – from Friday the 13th of September until Friday the 20th. .:. Panel discussions & training session topics include ::: Theory & Art; History & Science; Social Media & Livestream (LS); Unique to LSin Production Methods; Cyber & Network Security; Gear & Troubleshooting; LS-directors training; the Live Chat, mods, viewer habits & viewing devices; Financing ur LS-channel; Legal & Copyright; Citizen Journalists & LSers vs MSM: Politics of LSin & the hyper-speed rise of the Civilian Journalists; the Future of LSin #1: perfecting and protecting the signal strength & solid lightweight field power supplies; the Future of LSin #2: LSin camera developments (weird combo’s of: camera. mics. keyboard & displays) & software; the Future of LSin #3: the Live Chat design & greater viewer interaction with the stream; the Future of LSin #4: protecting the archives & a call for a centralized media bank; the Future of LSin #5: a near-flawless interaction with all social media (aka, promoting ur stream & instant-archive access throughout all social media) … and much more.

The Eighth G20 meeting in Russia

was supposed to be about the Economy but talk about Syria took much time as the U.S. armed the rebels whereas Russia armed it’s ally Syria. There was talk about cracking down on tax evasion by multinational corporations.  ...

Aug. Unemployment rate goes down due to part time jobs

which is a problem for anyone wanting to make a reasonable living. The Sept. numbers hopefully will be better as teachers and students go back to school.  ...

Economics Workshops

Our Economics Workshops are back after the summer hiatus. When: Tuesday, Sep, 3rd 6:30 – 8:30. Where: Steel Workers Hall, 25 Cecil St., Toronto. Topic: Stop trade agreements that put profits over people and environment. Harper’s trade policies – undebatted not only by the public but also by parliament – are selling Canada’s sovereign interests to corporate interests, including the highly troubling sell-out of control over our resources to Chinese state corporations that the FIPPA with China will entail. As usual, Harper’s government is steered by the hands of a group of former Reform ideologues with only amateurish understanding of the topics they are able to unaccountably deal with under the power screen of the conservative majority. And, as someone who spent 6 years working in China, I find the naivety with which they have approached the FIPPA with China breathtaking. For others who agree with my assessment, see the link below. Our workshop will discuss both the facts of the matter as well as what strategies we should follow. We, in COMER and Occupy Economics, must link with other Canadian groups opposing this undemocratic sell-out and work to bring this to the Canadian people, who is sure to reject signing these treaties if they were aware of what is going on. Links to the view on FIPPA by Gus Van Harten, a leading Canadian expert on international trade law. His credentials is that he is an associate professor at Osgoode Hall Law School and author of Investment Treaty Arbitration and Public Law (Oxford University Press, 2007): When: Tuesday, Sep, 10rd 6:30 – 8:30. Where: Steel Workers Hall, 25 Cecil St., Toronto. Topic: Stop the spread of Harper’s economic fallacies. As I have predicted for some time, Harper is betting the next election on the economy. This was confirmed by a speech to conservative supporters during his recent ‘Northern Tour’ where he in his usual shrill voice claimed it would be ‘dangerous’ if the opposition parties were to get control of Canada’s economic policies. This from a man whose economic policies are setting Canada on a course to become a second-tier nation increasingly dependent upon export of dirty carbon resources, and a nation in which growing income inequalities translate into stagnant living standards for everyone outside the 1%. However, the conservative spin machine, whose funding Harper with his now well-established disregard for the democratic rules and existing laws supplements with ample public money by parading conservative propaganda as ‘public information’, will continue on full blast, attempting to cement the misconceptions that Canada ‘did better than her peer nations during the crisis’ and ‘without the conservative austerity reining in deficits (in reality mostly created by their own tax cuts), we would become the next Greece’. In Occupy Economics, we have the knowledge tools to expose these fallacies. Our contribution to prevent reelection of Harper’s conservative at the next election must be to develop this into an effective counter-narrative that expose the real conditions of the economy. This, and spreading the counter-narrative through effective information campaigns, must be the focus of our work this fall. As usual, the workshops are free...

Chief Bill Blair

has not been forth coming with information requested by the SIU over a few years. Blair’s “Independent” Justice O’connor had to step down because of a “percieved” conflict; that his law firm works for cases involving police actions and has been replaced. There is a radio spat as Blair continues to protect Toronto Police form the SIU; made up of ex cops…  ...

the secretive Trans Pacific Partnership

Went to this event earlier today Aug 29, 2013 – Stop The Secretive Corporate Power Grab Of The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) When: Thur. Aug 29th from 12-1:30 pm Where: U.S. Consulate in Toronto, 360 University Ave Why: We are fed-up with secretive trade deals that commit current and future generations to massive corporate bailouts and subsidies. The Harper government has not been transparent, and negotiated the deal without public consultation and cloaked in secrecy Facebook event |  ...

Liberal Senator Mac Harb resigns

and gets a quite excellent retirement package although providing to spend back the cash he over billed offered he lived in Ottawa even though the RCMP investigation continues. Meanwhile the three Conservative Senators appointed by Harper nonetheless sit in the Senate&#8230 &nbsp...

Harper prorogues Parliament Once more!

For the third time as PM Harper is delaying the Government&#8217s enterprise by prorogation killing a lot of bills including a  Senate reform bill. In the previous he prorogued to save his 145 seat minority government versus a 161 seat coalition. As well as stopping government to steer clear of concerns about how the Conservatives deal with Afghan detainees. This time it&#8217s avoiding Query Period exactly where the SENATE is on topic. With Wallin&#8217s fraudulent claims now larger at $ 138,970&#8230 &nbsp...

James Forcillo has been charged

with 2nd degree murder of Sammy Yatim. The approach was sped up probably due to the video and public protests! There is the SIU and Ombudsman investigation as well as Chief Blair&#8217s &#8220Independent&#8221 one by Justice O&#8217connor. The earlier pattern is that Police get off the charges although in this case there is video of Forcillo not attempting to deescalate the situation as is education and clearly firing 9 shots&#8230 &nbsp...

Pamela Wallin

has some problems given that she altered her calendar by Senator Tkachuk even although she previously returned $ 38,000 and will be returning much more than the $ 90,000 Nigel Wright wrote a cheque for Duffy&#8230 &nbsp...

Pamela Wallin to be investigated by the RCMP

since the independent audit that she claimed was flawed would show she had personal travel to Toronto rather than Wadena, Saskatchewan the Province that she represents but barely lives there extended adequate&#8230 &nbsp...

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