Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012

Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012

Some cool Occupy Toronto images: Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012...

Check out some Occupy Toronto images

Check out some Occupy Toronto images

Some cool Occupy Toronto images: Nov 4th Free Tibet Protest March Starts From Occupy Toronto Image by Metrix X This protest march was started in St. James park. Occupy Toronto can learn alot about peaceful resistance from the marchers and Tibet in general. All ages came out in force. All That Is Necessary… Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days....

Gender Inequality

Yesterday at Toronto&#8217s International Girls&#8217s Day rally and march the theme was Fires are Burning and We are Increasing. In the speeches there was speak of violence towards ladies and an indigenous acknowledgement&#8230 &nbsp...

Some more Occupy Toronto photos

Some more Occupy Toronto photos

Check out these Occupy Toronto images: In The Park Today Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days. In The Park Today Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days. In The Park Today Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days. Sign of the Times Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days....

Hugo Chavez

was a revolutionary of our generation! He took Oil riches from the Oligarchy and redistributed the wealth to the poor by way of Bolivarian Circles. He was willing to stand up to W. Bush and nonetheless preserve trade with the U$ which required the Oil.  He helped establishment of a trade zone inside the Americas&#8230 &nbsp...

Great Occupy Toronto images

Great Occupy Toronto images

A few nice Occupy Toronto images I found: Occupy Toronto – a beautiful sight Image by Steve E. Back Off Bullies! Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days. Today’s Free Skool Schedule Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days. Pack It up Image by LexnGer It’s Day 33 of the Occupy Toronto protest in St. James Park. Yesterday the eviction notices went out, a stay was issued and a court date set for Friday to decide the fate of the Occupy Toronto village. The tone of the neighbourhood around the park has been changing and the tone of the park has as well. In some cases subtle changes, in some cases not-so-subtle changes. It’s going to be an interesting couple of days....

Our racist, settler program

disproportionately jails those who can least afford to defend themselves versus the profiling of the police technique and the law &nbsp...

Nice photos

Nice photos

Check out these images: Occupy Toronto Responds To Mayor Ford – Wordsmithing In The Yurt Image by Metrix X Occupy Toronto General Assembly Responds To Mayor Ford FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sorry for the Inconvenience, We’re Trying to Change the World Rob Ford has announced that we’ve made our point and it is time for us to go. In response, we at Occupy Toronto would like to affirm our right and duty to peaceably assemble and express our concerns. In contrast to Ford’s statement, we have not made our point because we are not here simply to make a point. We are here to bring about change. We are occupying St. James Park to practice direct democracy, discuss solutions to local, national, and global problems, dialogue with various community groups, and to address various issues in our communities. Whereas libraries are in jeopardy of being closed, we have opened a free library. Whereas the poor and homeless are being attacked, we have set up a free kitchen and free store for anyone to visit. Whereas social services and public sector workers are being cut, we are supporting labour struggles and the rights of individuals to have access to basic services. In short, we are trying to address the inadequacies of the system in which we live and advocate for a better, more equitable society. The wider public supports our efforts, as evidenced by recent polls and the high level of support and donations in the park. We look forward to continuing to work with the community, and we welcome dialogue with all interested parties, including city councilors and the mayor. To find out more please visit: Occupy Toronto General Assembly Contact: [email protected]...

GTA workers in precarious predicament

as long term employment is unlikely which impacts a lot of life choices and will lead to a lot more financial inequality. Please read very carefully. &nbsp...

Occupy Toronto Day 20

Occupy Toronto Day 20

Check out these images: Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Now With House Plants Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. This Sign is Occupied! Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize....

Great images

Great images

Some cool images: Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize. Occupy Toronto Day 20 Image by LexnGer At the end of their 3rd week in St. James Park, Occupy Toronto is starting to winterize....

More  Occupy Toronto photos

More Occupy Toronto photos

A few nice Occupy Toronto images I found: Gordon Lightfoot At Occupy Toronto Nov 15 eviction day Image by Metrix X Canadian musician Gordon Lightfoot visits his daughter and Occupy Toronto protester Meredith Lightfoot.. She has been a camper from close to day one. Lightfoot is in his early seventies. Free Tibet Protest March Starts From Occupy Toronto Image by Metrix X This protest march was started in St. James park. Occupy Toronto can learn alot about peaceful resistance from the marchers and Tibet in general. All ages came out in force. Free Tibet Protest March Starts From Occupy Toronto Image by Metrix X This protest march was started in St. James park. Occupy Toronto can learn alot about peaceful resistance from the marchers and Tibet in general. All ages came out in force....

G20 Moscow, Russia

Feb. 15 to 16th exactly where over 80% of the Planet economies meet to largely talk policy as the currency war is avoided&#8230 &nbsp...

Conservative senator Pamela Wallin

who spent much less than half a year in Saskatchewan has claims of $ 321,027 in &#8220other travel&#8221 expensives whilst Liberal Mac Harb gets a look more than on &#8220housing&#8221 expenditures and Patrick Brazeau is kicked out of Conservatives cronies&#8230 &nbsp...

Occupy Toronto photos

Occupy Toronto photos

A few nice Occupy Toronto images I found: Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012 Image by oktay(ca) Mass Demonstration to End Police Violence Toronto 52 Division, Toronto Police Service Occupy Toronto 2012...

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