All 7 archive titles+hyperlinks for almost everything we LSed Wed+Thurs:
A::: [Archived-title:] (53min) &#8220Health Care Shadow Summit 1: Opening Plenary, w/Maude Barlow, Natalie Mehra, Anita Khanna, Alex Himmelfarb, Michael McBane &amp Dr Bob Woollard at Niagara on the Lake,ON (St Marks) &#8211 Wed July 24 2013 &#8211 1143am&#8221 &#8211 Direct-archive-hyperlink:
B::: (1h21m) &#8220Health Care Shadow Summit 2: Privatization workshop (Heath care for Profit private clinics &amp the privatization of major care), w/Sean Meagher, Ross Sutherland &amp Dr Bob Woollard Niagara on the Lake, ONT &#8211 Wed July 24 2013 &#8211 109pm&#8221 &#8211
C::: (32min) &#8220Health Care Shadow Summit 3: Dr Ritika Goel, on universal overall health care in Canada for immigrants, migrants &amp refugees at Niagara on the Lake, ON (@St Marks church) &#8211 Wed July 24 2013 &#8211 153pm&#8221 &#8211
D::: (1h20m) &#8220Health Care Shadow Summit 4: Re-Publicizing Medicare, turning around privatization across Canada w/Mary Boyd, Mary Clarke, Natalie Mehra, Sandi Mowat, Marilyn Quinn, Sandra Azocar Niagara on the Lake &#8211 Wed July 24 2013 &#8211 355pm&#8221 &#8211
E::: (1h2m) &#8220Health Care Shadow Summit five: Closing Plenary: w/Pauline Worsfold (MC), Maude Barlow, Elisabeth Ballerman, Linda Haslam-Stroud, Paul Moist, Wendell Potter &amp Ross Sutherland at Niagara on the Lake &#8211 Wed July 24 2013 &#8211 ended 514pm&#8221 &#8211
F::: (1h12m) &#8220Health Care Shadow Summit six: final assembly: Cross-Canada Well being Care round-up w/Maude Barlow, Paul Moist, Mary Clarke, Mary Boyd, Sandra Azocar, Natalie Mehra, Mike McBane &amp Adrienne Silnicki &#8211 Thur July 25 2013 &#8211 1042am&#8221 &#8211
G::: (1h49m) &#8220Health Care Shadow Summit 7/7 rally at St Marks &amp march/rally to Queens Landing (hotel), where all the Premiers &amp Territorial Ldrs have been mtg at Niagara on the Lake &#8211 Thur July 25 2013 &#8211 ended 1258pm&#8221 &#8211
::: NB: all 7 episode were LS-directed by Dee Shanger &amp we owe a large debt of gratitude to Natalie Mehra &amp Sabri from, Ontario Overall health Coalition for the use of their 4G usb web stick.

Short 4-minute YouTube clip: &#8220Rally to Renew Canada&#8217s Overall health Accord&#8221

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