On January 17th Occupy Toronto will Occupy the Budget and stage a three day over-night occupation outside of City hall.

Our three-day occupation requires all committees to reactivate! Specifically, we need more volunteers for food, info and logistics!

If you were previously a member of these committees or if you would like to join these (or any) committee now, please contact [email protected] and come down on January 17th!

Join us! Occupy the Budget! Occupy City Hall!

– For more info on Ford’s cuts, and on the Rally at City Hall at 5:30 on the 17th, check out:www.torontostopthecuts.com

– Even if you can’t stay overnight or have to work, your support during the day would be highly appreciated! Bring blankets and tents. Bring baked potatoes and hot chocolate. Bring a hot meal to the kitchen. Hang around for an hour or two serving food or helping with logistics. It all helps!

Spread the Word!


Occupy Toronto welcomes non-charitable financial donations to assist with hosting and development costs for the website. To donate for all other costs including committee management, please use the contact us for here. No one working with Occupy Toronto is paid.

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